House is a dance style derived from the late 70's, early 80's from the underground clubs in
Chicago and New York. It's all about freedom, improvisation, and feeling the beat of house
music. In this class, we will be focusing on feeling light on you...
House is a dance style derived from the late 70's, early 80's from the underground clubs in
Chicago and New York. It's all about freedom, improvisation, and feeling the beat of house
music. In this class, we will be focusing on feeling light on your feet so they can dance to the
beat while using the jack. It's going to be a lot of footwork and if we're really feeling the
music, we might go down on the floor and do some lofting.
A huge focus will be on musicality and learning how to be able to use the vocabulary in a
creative ways.
The class is taught in English
Bemærk, at man ikke kan framelde sig hold i sommersæsonen
Please note that it is not possible to withdraw from the class during the summer season.
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